When you say online small business marketing ideas, social media would automatically come to your mind. From out of nowhere, they have sprouted and before we all know it, they have conquered the virtual world. If you are the type of person who always wants to think out of the box, you will find that there are a lot more effective marketing ideas aside from social media than you can imagine. Below are some of them.
? Blog Marketing blogs have been a useful way to share and market something. It has become a tool for business owners to promote their products and services without coming off as too blunt. This will involve writing skills as the content should be great. Otherwise, people will not waste their time reading it. You can take into account buying a domain name for stronger branding or you can make use of available sites. You can allow your readers to post comments so that you can get feedbacks.
? Article Marketing this is somehow different with blogging as you will post the articles in different websites such as Ezines and others. The article should have something that is of value to your target market. You can promote your business through including backlinks in it. When clicked, the reader will be directed to your site; thus, generating more web traffic. You can post your articles to different sites. In addition, you may make an agreement with other companies that isn?t your direct rival of course. You will post your article in their website and you will do the same for them.
? Webinars holding webinars needs time and effort from you, but not much money especially if you will be the speaker too. All you need is proper planning. The topic should be need-based and timely. In addition, it should be promoted to allow more people to participate. You can embed your products and services into the presentation so as not to make it appear that you are only promoting your goods.
? Forums there are many sites that allow you to participate in different forums. You can use this platform in marketing your business. You don?t have to be the moderator although you can ponder on that too if you want to have control over the topics that will be discussed. Answer the questions of the information-seekers as best you can and soon, you will be gold. You can do the promotion by including your site or a backlink into your signature.
? Podcasting this functions very much like Youtube marketing but without the video. More often than not, this is ideal for businesses whose market is always on the go as your sound clip will be played in ipods; hence, the name. The presentation should be complete, concise and of course, attention-grabbing. You can upload your clips to various sites over the internet to be made available to your market.
Sometimes, you don?t have to focus merely on the social media in order to find effective small business marketing ideas.
Article by Cliff Schubert of QuantumMarketer. For more information on small business advertising ideas and dental marketing online, visit his site today.
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