Friday, August 17, 2012

This or That: Health and Fitness | Running Through Red Lights

Ashley posted this survey a few weeks ago, and I?ve been meaning to give it a go.? The rainy day has me snuggled up on the couch with lots of blankets, a cup of tea, and no motivation to come up with anything to write?perfect survey day, if I do say so myself!


  1. Run/workout in the heat and humidity or freezing temps and snow?
    After the sweltering summer we?ve had, I?m going to have to go with freezing temps and snow.? Living in Wisconsin makes for some brutal winters, but I feel like you can always put on more layers!
  2. Have washboard abs or flat abs?
    Definitely flat abs, though I?m no where close to having either!
  3. Dr. Oz or The Doctors?
    I?ve never seen either show, so I can?t really make an informed decision.? Does Grey?s Anatomy count as a favorite doctor show?? No?? Okay, I?ll go with NY Med!
  4. Cardio or Strength?
    Cardio!? Running is my exercise of choice, especially when I get to run with good friends!
  5. Cravings:? protein or carbs?
    Almost always carbs!
  6. Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
    As a trainer on the Biggest Loser?? Probably Jillian.? I?ve never done workout videos by either trainer, so I can?t pick based on that.
  7. Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream?
    Up until a few months ago, I would have said neither.? After having a few real self-serve fro-yo experiences, I?m going to have to go with fro-yo!
  8. To train:? upper body or lower body?
    I?m terrible about doing any sort of weight training, but I?m going to have to say lower body.
  9. Protein powder or food with protein?
    I?m an advocate of getting nutrients from whole food sources.? I?ve never tried protein powder, though.
  10. Lunges or squats?
    Squats, hands down.? I loathe lunges.? LOATHE them!
  11. Sweet or salty?
  12. Workout attire:? cute or comfy?
    Comfy, but I definitely try to coordinate!
  13. Body Pump or heavy lifting?
    I?ve never done Body Pump, and our gym doesn?t have a lot of equipment, so I don?t really do either.
  14. Yoga or Pilates?
    Yoga, though I?m not very good at it!
  15. Nike or Adidas?
    My collection of Nike Tempo shorts and Lunar Eclipse/Glide/Free shoes is out of control.
  16. Running on the treadmill or outdoors?
    Lately I?ve been hitting the dreadmill hard, but my preference is definitely outside.
  17. Whole Foods or Trader Joe?s?
    I?ve never been to either.? :(
  18. Summer or Winter Olympics?
    Summer!? Especially with my newfound love of running.? Watching the marathon was so inspiring!
  19. Exercise classes or exercise videos?
    I?ve never been to an exercise class.? I prefer working out on my own, or with JP.
  20. Steamed veggies or roasted veggies?
    Roasted, for sure!

STOP and share:? What are some of your This or That?s?

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This entry was posted in Thursday Thoughts, Workout and tagged cross training, half marathon training, Health and Fitness Survey, Nike, running, treadmill, Workout by Allison @ Running Through Red Lights. Bookmark the permalink.


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