Over the past two decades, corporations have reaped financial rewards from America s bubble economy at the expense of working-class Americans. This has led to a long period of economic inequality. Now that the previous illusiveness of the bubble economy has been exposed, millions of Americans are jobless and without hope. Many are victims of unfair trade policies and a suppressed minimum wage. Others are victims of years of neglect by Washington, as well as the boundless greed and criminal mischief from Wall Street.
America s long period of declining living standards can no longer be masked by the inexpensive labor of illegal aliens, two-income households, and record debt. As it stands today, America is in the midst of the most devastating financial crisis since the Great Depression.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Despite what you may read and hear from the media, the banking crisis is not America s number one problem. It is but a short-term issue that will be remedied. Healthcare is absolutely the single biggest problem facing America. You don t need to look far in order to see the effects of America s healthcare crisis. The high cost of healthcare is destroying the finances of both consumers and employers alike, while compromising the health of millions. While employers struggle to remain globally competitive, healthcare costs continue to grow at three times the inflation rate and twice the rate of economic growth. This has forced companies to drop coverage, shift more out-of-pocket expenses to employees, freeze pensions, or outsource work to contractors both domestically and overseas.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Washington should be ashamed and humiliated. In no other nation can an illness send you into bankruptcy. America s profit-driven healthcare system is the most costly, yet least accessible and most inefficient in the world. Despite spending significantly less on healthcare, most developed nations have achieved longer life expectancies, lower infant mortality rates and higher levels of consumer satisfaction with their healthcare system. It is now time for the United States of America to design a healthcare system for the people rather than the profiteers.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
But there is a solution that does not depend upon a universal or free market approach. To be clear, I am not necessarily advocating a system of universal healthcare. I am advocating a certain minimal level of very basic care that can be held in balance with a free market healthcare system. Moral issues aside, it just makes economic sense when you consider that many chronic illnesses and deadly diseases can be abated at a low cost if basic medical goods and services are provided. Otherwise, small ailments for those without medical insurance often progress into life-threatening emergencies, which are paid for by taxpayers. The problem is that America has neither a basic level of care nor a real free market healthcare system. In this book, I provide solutions for these deficiencies.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Regardless of the future direction of healthcare, it is clear that telemedicine will be an integral part of America s healthcare solution. Moreover, telemedicine will facilitate cost-effective access to medical services, improve clinical outcomes, deliver more resources for both providers and consumers, and slash costs.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Without immediate and radical change, America s poorly designed healthcare system will add further to the nation s economic decline. If, in fact, the current free market healthcare system cannot be modified to provide more coverage at a lower cost per capita, universal healthcare may become the only feasible alternative. Thus, it is in the best interest of providers to restructure the system if their aim is to minimize further government control.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Mike Stathis is the Managing Principal of Apex Venture Advisors, a business and investment intelligence firm for the private and public markets, serving the needs of venture firms, corporations and hedge funds. Mike s work in the private markets includes valuation analysis, deal structuring, business and marketing strategy. His technology focus is in healthcare, specifically biopharmaceuticals and telemedicine.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
In the public markets he assists financial institutions as the Chief Investment Strategist of AVA Investment Analytics, a division of AVA focusing on investment strategy, valuation analysis, market forecasting, risk management, and distressed securities analysis.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
As one of the few who predicted the financial apocalypse in detail, Mike has been particularly active helping hedge funds navigate the real estate and banking crisis. His forecasts for the current economic collapse are unmatched anywhere in the world, as documented in America s Financial Apocalypse and Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble. The accuracy of his predictions has positioned him as one of America s most insightful and innovative financial experts. The public markets division of AVA, or AVA Investment Analytics, now provides the same cutting-edge research to individual investors.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Mike is a prolific author. He writes a monthly investment newsletter covering the investment markets as well as numerous commentaries found on both corporate websites. Each of his books delivers industry-leading insight and analysis, recognized by some of the top experts in the world. His 2006 landmark book, America s Financial Apocalypse, serves as the leading resource for understanding America s depression. Meanwhile, his first book, The Startup Company Bible for Entrepreneurs is used in several business schools as a required text for completion of the MBA program.
Prior to Apex Advisors, Mike worked at UBS and Bear Stearns, focusing on asset management, institutional brokerage and merchant banking.
Product Review.
Want the truth on American health care? Look no further. You have found the starting point. Guess which writer won?t be getting any Xmas cards from the AMA?
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
I guarantee this book will upset many powerful groups within the medical-industrial complex, like Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Physicians, Big Government and Big Lobbyists. No major media outlet would ever publish something like this for fear of ?biting the hand that feeds them?. Powerful groups have worked very hard to brainwash you. Powerful groups want you dumb. Don?t be dumb. They want this material censored and will do everything to suppress it. Stathis is already censored by Big Media, now I envision Big Pharma trying to gag him with a Prozac the size of a basketball.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
It?s a shame because Stathis is one of the few who bravely speaks out against those who act in the best interests of Mammon. For a taste of Stathis? style and vision, read his 2006 masterpiece: America?s Financial Apocalypse. No writer came close to defining what is happening in America right now. He was so dead-on, it?s like Nostradamus.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
This time Stathis takes on the medical-industrial complex. There is no fluff in this book, the writing is lucid, succinct, insightful and deep. It?s like getting tips from an insider. There are numerous graphs, charts, notes and references to support main points. The chapters on the health care bubble, technology, solutions and investment are worth their weight in gold. There are so few books of this nature in the marketplace. Read it to counterbalance all the propaganda Big Media spews everyday.
Simply said, be brave. Don?t be afraid of alternative viewpoints. Don?t depend on Mammon to educate. Educate yourself. This book is an excellent launching pad to help one understand the truth behind the messy American health care system.
America?s Healthcare Solution: An Investment in Your Future
Source: http://iblog.at/terryfernandes/?p=6758
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